i need more cuti la..

dah ahad?!
sekejap nye
nak tido lama sikit~

tapi takpe..
mak kasi makan best hari nie.
so, tido mesti heaven kekenyangan plus, it's raining malam nie.

petang tadi, ucu datang (+alang, sama n syaza)
makan cekodok special dengan bubur kacang, borak borak, baring baring, sampai maghrib.
best nye bermalas-malas.
tak cukupla sehari je

nak lagi..

bye kejap,

There goes my weekend

hani masuk sekolah memandu~
ceramah 5 jam dah finish!katam! tammat!
next week hani nak pegi xm (lagi?!)
thanks my sayangness azwa carikan software ujian jpj~
tak payah nak study beriya~
hani buat mock test je (^_^)

pakcik sarip jadi cikgu memandu hani,
along + akim poon dengan pakcik sarip.
nanti wid-wid.. maybe pakcik sarip jugak.
macam doktor keluarga pulak pakcik sarip nie :p

excited.. excited!!

bye kejap,

farewell lunch at Puteri

It was our risk management presentation day.
boring... but yet, very stressful :p
selamat ade makan2,
lunch @ puteri.
pukul 12.30 pause presentation,
get ready for lunch
kali nie, hani kena carpool dengan kak maz, rita, israf and aaron.
naik kereta boss.. hehe

restaurant puteri is near Rasta baru.
It offers full range of traditional malay food.

pukul 2.30 baru balik..
then resume presentation balik,
dengan calmer and satisfied belly, my debate mood menurun :P
hani tak banyak bercakap, tapi lebih banyak mengiyakan.
malas dah nak layan presentation nie. =D

hoyeahy!! excited betul dah habis RM..

asraf poon mesti happy sangat2 dah habis RM. kan asraf kan? hehehehe (^_^)

bye kejap,

People come and go

Bye-bye to Asraf and Israf.
Good Luck on your future undertakings
even it was just a little while,
it was nice knowing both of you.
i really appreciate the kindness, friendly face and your teaching.
Thanks a lot.
Congrats for taking this decision..
stay happy!

bye kejap,