Go Mobile Expo

team expo and fair dalam family hani terdiri daripada:

we're always go to expo2 yang ade kat Malaysia nie together because we can tolerate each other and still have fun..
last november abah seret hani pegi job fair dekat PWTC. When we got there, rupanye ade Gomobile fair..
wid2 dah super excited nak beli camera phone nak ganti phone samsung-tidak-berkamera yang lama. tapi mak dekat rumah tak flash green light.. so kitorang pergi tawaf satu expo main game2 yang ade.. semua booth offering goodies bag... kitorang pergi.. macam sangat kesian.. excited sangat nak menang goodies bag :P

this kind of expo is good, but i prefer buying phone from Zahar (kawan akim)
it's easier, guarenteed and got a lot of discount.

bye kejap,


unknown said...

ngan zahar dpt murah ar??
kak haniii usya kan hp sony kat dia~~~

Hani said...

kasi tau model ape.. nnt akak tanye