
Today there's nothing much to do around the house.. baby sitting syaza and wid2 only.
itu pon, i'm pretending to have a stomach ache so that syaza and wid2 won't kacau me always and asking to play hangaroo on my pc.
but then, i let them ransack my make-up basket.. i just let them play by themselves.. only when i'm in the mood.. then i'll join them play "Pak mat beli kain kaler ape?" :p

Yesterday's presentation went oke I guess.. entahla.. ok kot~

I spend last two days mostly in bed.. donno why, after raya korban jatuh sakit pulak...
With 260561695 trips to toi-toi, a barf bin nearby, Mr. Cool Fever all over my body, supplies of 100 plus and "ala-kesianye-anak-aku" face from my parent, i did my proposal slide.

slide yang kelihatan sangat bahagia ini dibuat pada keadaan yang sangat seksa~
tapi takpe, fkirkan boleh!!
at night i have to psyche myself not to be sick for the presentation.. i do not want to be the one who muntah infront of media prima's manager and staff.. buruk rupa!! tak mau, tak mau..

On the presentation morning.. my health is not so pink, but okela~ atleast i don't barf and there's still blood circulating my face..
One of my groupmate- Rose sudenlly pull-out at last minute, so there is only me, Rita and Ashraf left...
entering the board room rase nervous pulak.. tinggal tiga je..
it's a good thing actually, less competition, but boring jugak.. the more the merrier kan?
i'm too lazy to think right now.

tomorow i need to wake up early to catch Mr. Bai Roti.. i need to buy two bundle of gardenia for syaza and wid2's breakfast.. seriusly, dorang nie kuat makan!!

bye kejap,

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