shots and donut

went to the curve coz' alang said he wanted to belanja us big apple..
we're still hungry, walaupoon dah makan bihun dan nasi..

before sampai ke big apple.. kitorang singgah sebentar dekat JuIcE WorKs
nak belagak sihat.. minum jus buah-buahan

along order the usual - immuno kick
for depa-depa hani orderkan mango sensation, berry burst and........... wheatgrass shot~

wheat grass shot ni sangat baik untuk kurangkan kadar gula dalam badan.. so, sebelum makan bnyk2 donut.. kita kena amik shots ni.. supaya rasa sihat sikit :P

it tastes like ubat batuk+selsema+antiboitik at first... but it has a sweet aftertaste to it..
it's actually not so bad.. wash the grass taste with the orange slice after the shots.. supaya tak terngiang2 rasa rumput dalam mulut.

alang and hamim try tapi sikit... wid2 and sya awal2 dah surrender~ hani ngan along je yang bole tahan dan cakap "sedap!" lepas minum :D

then.. we head straight to big apple and sink our teeth to the sweet donut..
takde fikir pasal kalori.. semua makan dengan hepinye~

bye kejap,

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