Hepi 24th Birthday Along!!

Selamat hari lahir Siti Nurazura Binti Abdul Samat

i lyke this picture of her

We have plans for her birthday, go out for a movie, celebrate at paddington house of pancake. Then go back home in the evening, suprise her with a birthday party. This year, hani dgn mak berpakat nak kasi suprise party untuk along. As for cakes, Kak Zila will bring one secret recipe's and i'll cook pavlova. Hani masak pavlova to sehari sebelum birthday along..sangat pening kepala, thanks to youtube and my laptop that assist me trough the process, pastuh nak kene simpan sorok2 dlm fridge pulak, selamat along tak perasan. Mak pulak masakme kari for morning, later for the party she cooked nasi minyak, kari ayam, roti jala, and other lauk2. Ucu bawak satay kajang. Hari birthday along ialah hari paling bnyk makan untuk hani... seriusly perut kenyang tahap maximum~

Mula2 kitorang breakfast mee kari kat rumah, lepas tuh berlengah2 tgk tv tak mandi2, then teringat yg along booked ticket at 12.30. kitorang rushing2 mandi, cepat2 pegi the garden. Dengan terernye, along drive kereta dan mencari parking. Kitorang siap ade 20 minutes lag time before the movie starts.

After the movie, we walk to Mid Valley coz we want to eat at Paddington House of Pancake. Tapi, along ternampak YO! sushi, pastuh kitorang stop makan kat sana kejap sebab along teringin...

that's my first tyme eating at YO! sushi, we ordered miso soup, salmon and asparagus yakitori, spicy chiken katsu, crispy duck futomaki and other on the belt dish plus dorayaki!! some of the dish is quite salty, but overall, it's good, i lyke~

Lepas makan sushi, kitorang pergi cari paddington, nak makan pancake pulak.. kitorang punya nafsu makan masih lagi sgt besar tyme nie.

we ordered two dish, tak ingat nama die, Full Monty and Pot of gold rasanya, halfway trough full monty, hani n along dah super kenyang, tak larat nak makan dah, so kitorang gelak2, paksa masing2 makan.. devide2 bahagian gaduh2 suruh each other habiskan.The restaurant mngr poon gelak2 everytime die pandang kitorang.. lama2 jadi segan pulak (T___T), the service there is nice and tapi sebab perut kitorang sometimes bole jadi perut tong, kitorang berjaya habiskan full monty, pot of gold tu dessert dish, kitorang habiskan separuh je, sebab takut perut sakit sebab penuh sgt. the amount per serving of this place is big, berbaloi la with it's price.. plus it taste delicious.. definitely worth it.

Balik rumah kitorang relax, tunggu zila and "ucu and the geng" (ucu aja, sama, hamim, alip, syaza, amin) sampai.. kitorang buat suprise kat along, siap tutup2 lampu... tapi takdela nyanyi2.. masing2 segan suara sedap sangat

Then makan, makan, dan makan lagi.. Ya Allah~ Alhamdulillah~ burp**

kepada kami2 yang sgt pandai makan, thanks kerana menjayakan program birthday along ini... Kak Zila yang telah naik beberapa kg, marilah bersenam bersama2.

hepi 24 along!!!

bye kejap,

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