jon bonggol

hurm i forgot which saturday la, i thinks it's last saturday punya saturday.
kak farah got engage on 8th feb, therefore this story is 7th feb's story.
(sebenarnye takyah cerita ni pon takpe)

kak farah's house is in semenyih and we have no idea how to get there.
so along ask jon to "tunjukkan jalan".
along being her crazy-driver-self single handedly scare jon to ever take a car ride with her ever again.

along got super excited coz she gets to drive in a free road. she drive crazily laju sangat.
berapa kali kitorang terhantuk sebab along langgar road bumper.
after that, every time jon sees a road bumper, he'll scream-
lol dalam kereta kejap.

on our way back, we stop at kajang. Makan satay kajang samuri kejap.
plus, to let jon take a break from along's driving.

when we arrived in KL, along ajak pergi shooping kejap,
he refused. :P i think i know why.

finish shooping, rush back home to meet up with marlia and mimi. Shooping for haizum's wedding present.
then, sleepover with marlia again. finish wrapping all the gift at 3 am.
then lagi, hit the sleep button.
pergh, damn hectic day.

bye kejap,

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