
i was getting ready to meet rita and gave her my ticket.
i'm wearing plain t-shirt and jeans, and mismatch tudung.
i didn't bother to look in the mirror.
i'm in a hurry.
i think i'm already late.

even rita haven't call yet, i still wanna go now so i can arrive in masjid jamek on time.
Ya will drive me there.
she had a bad morning. she's just tired i guess.

we get into the car, Ya starts the engine. I kept quite.

it was only 500meter more before LRT pandan jaya.
i was looking at my hand playing with my handphone and purse.
i did not have the time to put it inside a handbag.

i slap my thigh, having a revelation.

"Ya! angah tak bawak tiket!"
"ish macam mana nie?"
"~takpela, angah mintak tolong akim hantar la lepas nie"
"~sorry Ya..."

as i was talking, i did not look at her face.
i was too scared to look.
i can feel her aura.
bad~~ aura.
she hiss once and suddenly change into crazy driver mode.
u-turn on the next junction.

mum call.
i picked it up.
sounding so sympathetically to mum.
saying that i feel so guilty and it was an honest mistake.

but still, Ya looked angry.

when we arrived home i did a 100m dash into house and took the ticket.
wake akim up and begging him to send me to lrt pandan jaya.

when i arrived at masjid jamek, rita poon baru sampai.

hani, why the rush?
susah betul jadi orang kelam kabut nie

bye kejap,


Miss Szeiqa said...


Hani mandi tak sebelum keluar?

Kekekeke ;P tak biase je, tak mandi

Hani said...

wowowow, hani mandi kot~

mmg hani tak biasa keluar rumah tak mandi.

ade sekali dalam xm week, tapi tu cite lain..

nnt hani blog about it

Leeya Marlia said... my new blogspot.i deleted da yg lame..

Leeya-nebor lame =p

Hani said...

oh jiran lama ku, hani akan mengupdate link kamu.


bila2 free, kita sleepover lagi ye.