Beraya - super outdated entry

i wanna post this entry because..

It's very rare to have my MMU friends coming over to my house..
somemore azwa ade nak merajuk2 coz i didn't put picture of her last visit to my house inside my blog...
so here it is...

along yang sebenarnye buat open house for her friends..
hani just amik kesempatan ajak azwa n zu datang beraya... coz' zu selalu merajuk2 cakap hani tak pernah invite die datang rumah...
hani mmg jarang nak buat2 open house nie...
tak reti sangat nak jadi host..
maybe next year la.. insyallah dapat gaji ke.. bonus ke..

this visit is special sikit sebab

- mak pon join posing2 session!! (dengan anak2 sendiri mak selalu tak nak posing >:p)
- lily-makan-sikit makan nasi bertambah (punca = mak punye superb ayam masak merah)
- lama sangat tak jumpa lily and zu sampai rasa malu2 kucing pada mereka

having them over really makes me rindu MMU.. lama sgt2 tak pergi MMU..
oh rozie.. bila rozie nak adultnapping akak balik Melaka nie?
akak rindu microscan dan hair studio kat bawah ep, oh~

bye kejap,


unknown said...

1- wat open house tak ajak rozie :|
2- kitorang no prob, kak hani je yg x nak dtg mlk lagi :|
3- the name of the hair studio = creative hairstyle :|

sekian :|

Hani said...

1 - along punye open house la...
i did ajak u oke!!!
die yang tak nak~
segan la...

2 - ala.. kalau korang culik.. mesti boleh punye!!

3 - ooo