
i got frustrated with something.
i've had it for a long time.
now i've reach my boiling point.

i got a frustration
yes people, you're not the only one with frustration

i love my speaker.
it's black.
got base.
and loud.
very loud.
i love enjoying music loudly.
my speaker can provide me with the level of "loud" that i want.
but i can't use it!
not since mmu,
when i had a room all to myself
when battle of the speaker with mimi and kak yat is acceptable

i miss those moment shouting eh, no no ..singing to kelly clarkson and christina aguilera and sometimes even rapping with eminem and nelly
sleeping with loud music all day ignoring all knocks at the door and any vibration from my phone.

sekarang! humph!
the only acceptable speaker is my laptop's speaker. it's so not loud, even i say " aiskrim aiskrim tunggu!" is louder. other choice? headphone~ which for me.. "takde feel".

the only time i can use my sweet sayang super hot black speaker is Raya.. takbir raya and lagu raya sahaja.

when i'm in mmu,

KY - "ish dorang nie, marah2 pulak kite pasang lagu kuat-kuat. kalau nak senyap, pegi duduk hutan la~"

Me - "betul tu kak yat!"


"kalau nak pasang lagu kuat kuat, pegi duduk dalam hutan tu ha. pasang la kuat mana poon. jerit la sorang2."

frust betul!

bye kejap,

sikitnye cuti

Hani sambut Chinese New Year Holiday at Kampung Halaman Indah Tercinta~
Sabtu subuh-subuh mak dah kejut bangun nak balik kampung.
akim cannot make it coz he got class.
along pulak, balik sama-sama dengan zairi n kak long.
zairi n kak long nak cuti-cuti malaysia in rungkup, bagan datoh.
so abah bukak homestay programme sekejap untuk 4 hari :p
Masa cuti balik kampung - mesti ade senarai family holiday must haves;
belajar memandu dengan abah.
rempit2 naik motor pusing2 padang.
main carom, jutaria, snap and happy family. best main jutaria dapat bankruptkan orang.
bila jadi papa kedana sedih.
mak duduk dapur masak2 - bubur jagung ngan kek kukus buah .. lip-smacking!
"astro"ing sampai lebam.

on sunday morning we start our homestay activity with pasar pagi at bagan datoh..
later - jalan2 at teluk intan.
donno why hani asyik mengantuk je.. masuk dalam kereta je, tido~
tyme jalan2 muka sembam effect baru bangun tido.
first time naik menara condong teluk intan.
selama 22 tahun hidup, balik kampung tiap tiap tahun, pegi teluk intan makan rojak, takde poon terbuka hati nak naik menara condong. tengok dari jauh je. :p
menara condong tu memang condong.. masuk dalam terasa diri condong
then pegi makan kat the infamous mastan ghani. an old restaurant selling mee rebus and rojak.
then jalan2 and makan2 lagi.... da da da bla bla bla

Next must have activity = Barbequing!

along, kak long, zairi and wid2 pegi teluk batik n pangkor berkelah. but, i decided to skip that.
i want to sleep. eat. astro. rempit and sleep somemore~
bila dorang balik, hani tgk gambar2 kat sana nampak sangat cantik~ tiba2 rasa rugi tak ikut. kejap je cuti raya cina.. next cuti entah bila... sigh~

bye kejap,

donno la

i got my placement for our first BE prog. pit stop.

CGRM - risk mngt unit under mr. ashvin.

when borak-borak with the GM for CGRM, entah macammana cerita2 then dia offer ticket for AJL.
the seats has good view, but i cannot go because my mum and dad go dating at kampung. so me, along, akim and wid2 stuck at home taking care of each other and they forbid us to go anywhere.

so i gave the tickets to rita coz she wanted to bring her lil' cousin.
and because azwa and adib rejected my offer.

i've been reading CGRM slides and first 10 pages of MP's annual report.
but because it's so "interesting" and "exciting", i ended up you tube-ing hannah montana.

i can't wait for hannah new movie!!! ( perasan diri macam budak2 sekolah rendah yang minat miley cyrus)

adui, i'm nervous for tomorrow. i have no idea whats install for me tomorow expect reading a lot of policies.

hurm, gotta sleep early, esok kerja. hehehe (macam kelakar pulak sebut ayat nie)

bye kejap,

first day

my dad woke me up at 6 am..
it's been so long since i have to mandi pagi~
super malas nak bangun dari katil.
then, i have to go through mak-along morning rush.
today's rush tak teruk sangat (maybe sebab hari ni semua orang bangun awal)
then, pukul 7.15 right after mum and along went to office, abah ajak pergi dah.
dalam hati hani pelik, why do we have to go that early?
then when i thought everything is going all smoothie ~
the car broke down!
i don't know for what reason, the temperature shooting up to 110'c.
we're in the middle of traffic jam and abah had to pull up the car to the nearest car park.
me and abah panic2 baca doa and thinking where could we find taxi.

when abah checked the coolant system, the water was almost empty, when we opened the lid,
fountain of scorching hot water gushed out!
selamat takde pape. if not my first day at work would have been in hospital.
turn out the pump is not working (according to my dad la)
then about 8.05 am, the psiko-car-who-hates-me starts like nothing's wrong. (elok je pulak!)
selamat abah ajak pergi awal, if not i'm going to be late for my first day.

we arrived in sri pentas at 8.30 am, "ngam-ngam" not too early and not too late (^_^)

there was me, rita, aaron, vicky, ying and ashraf. two more who are choosen for the BE prog. will join us in feb. but for first orientation class, there's other newbies from finance, news, corp comm and content creation.
for ice breaking, kak iza made us tell our most embarassing story to everyone.
a lot of the newbie use the "mistakenly talk or greet the stanger" stories but, there's some funny stuff too.

my most embarassing moment story goes like this:-

it was form two (i think, or izzit form 1?) my Bahasa Melayu teacher was so desperate to find contestant in her story telling contest for minggu bahasa melayu. because i'm so baik hati a.k.a kind hearted ( saja ambil peluang puji diri sendiri ) i agree to enter the contest with two of my friends. i have no preparation whatsoever and definetely no time to memorise and rehearsal.
so i just pick any book in library with funny folk stories in it and took it to actually read in front of school assembly.

there's a speacial assembly made for all of this minggu-bahasa-melayu contest in the afternoon. it was so hot.
then, i get up the stage and read the story of "awang kecik awang besar" (it's actually a good story).
i didn't expect the story to be long. but as i go on, i noticed that yup! the story is SO long.
halfway trough my "story telling" my teacher actually came up to me and murmured to me:

" ani, lama lagi ke? cepat sikit"

and i say

"jap2, ade lagi sikit nie"

because the mic was so near, the whole school could hear it! (T_______T)

the teacher came up twice to do that you know!!!

i know everyone were very anxious to see me stop because it's not only so hot, there's other contest to be held too and the story that i read is just boring to be read out loud.
but i'm just so embarrased!!!!!!!!!

aiseh! super malu!!!
but i do felt sorry for those people who have to actually sit in the hot afternoon listening to my fantastic! story. (T_T)

i've actually won third place (because there's only three of us who entered the contest)

there is a million super duper embarassing stories from my collection, but i wont tell it laa.. malu beb!!!

but i don't have to tell it, whoever knows me will know that i have atleast 3 embarassing stories everyday. and my first day working in media prima have 6 embarassing stories:

-lif who hates me
-makcik hani
-sexual harrasment example
-form filling
-maybank issue
-epf = kwsp
-parking ticket

(the other minor embarassing stories and awkward moment is not counted as there's too many)

but overall it's a very good day! i have a lot of fun and find new agak-caring friends who teman me to kwsp petaling jaya.

p/s- i hate filling up forms!! (bnyk form nak kena isi)

bye kejap,

it's that time of year

i've been eating this cute tangerine like eating chips (*^_^*)
once, my biology teacher (mr. mohan) said that eating an orange a day will gradually makes your skin whither.
does tangerine has the same effect?

i should be super duper fair by now.

my BELOVED lappy been acting like an emo-drunk-highonecstacy teenager.
not only it has lost some of it's key function, software and been giving me a lot of error msg,
it shuts down sesuka hati!
and what's GREAT is that it shuts down at perfect timing:
- i just finish dowloading gossip girl online and just clicking "resume" button.
-i'm 'google'ing map, recipe and work related stuff.
-i'm laughing2 watching everybody loves raymond.
-tengah syoik baca blog while layan perasaan nyanyi lagu jamal abdillah.

but when akim, along or wid2 using, it behave exceptionaly!
nvm lappy.. you treat me like this~

tomorrow i'll send you to rehab!

bye kejap,

i hate this part right here

i hate medical checkup~
i hate the feeling when someone examine you.
rasa macam doc tu nak judge hani.
somemore hani very ticklish.
so masa doc examine2 hani, i started to gelak, then, kena marah (T_T)

abah drove me there this morning.
we set off at 8 am,
nak test jalan jam macam mana time2 macamni.
nnt boleh budget nak keluar rumah pergi kerja pukul brapa.

sampai je terus pegi klinik bakti inside sri pentas itself.
examine sana sini.
then kena pegi damansara specialist hospital for X-ray pulak.

after that abah ajak pegi test restaurant baiti.
tapi sebab dah sesat and somemore hani dah pening2, so kitorang balik rumah je terus.

adoi, sedih kena marah ngan doc.

bye kejap,

Kamu bukan superrr, kamu bukan setarrr

so cute!

bye kejap,

jadi tourist di Melaka

even though kampung hani dekat Melaka, hani pernah belajar dekat MMU Melaka,
hani tak pernah jadi tourist di Melaka.

Kak Azreen nak bertolak ke Sabah. she wanted a going away get together trip.
Mak long pesan tepung goreng pisang yang super sedap dengan mak.

So, it's decided. we're going to Melaka.

we kick off the trip with a visit to dunkin donut =D
"isi minyak dulu~"
it was raining heavily and we thought we're gonna arrive late.
but because it was along who drive we arrived at mak long's house in just 1 and a half hour~

after having lunch at mak long's (mak long masak kari ngan asam pedas, sedap!!), widad decided to go to the zoo.

widad nak pegi zoo.... dad tak pernah pegi zoo~" (buat muka sedih)

the entrance fee tak mahal poon RM 7 for adult 3 for children.
penat sgt2 pusing satu zoo melaka.
awal2 perjalanan excited amik picture semua binatang2 kat zoo tu,
ade pakcik cadangkan kitorang naik tram service (rm 2 je) tapi kitorang berlagak nak jalan kaki.. nak tgk semua, naik tram tak dapat amik gambar.
halfway trough kitorang dah mengah2.
dah jalan bnyk poon tak jumpe lagi exit~
dah takde nak excited amik gambar.
kitorang fokus mencari jalan keluar je.

next stop, ayer keroh lake. nak pegi boat paddling. hani nak main kayak, tapi wid wid takut naik kayak, so boat paddling it is.

sebelum sampai tasik amik gambar dekat dataran melaka kejap.

sewa boat rm 10 je. sorang rm 5.
along dan kak azreen tak nak naik, penat, kaki dah nak tercabut.

sebelah malam kitorang pergi menara taming sari, eye on malaysia dan eye on malacca. nak pergi jonker walk, tapi tak sempat. jonker walk dah tutup pukul 2am. so kitorang jalan2 dekat tepi pantai.

at night kitorang ada "driver" :p
zairi temankan kitorang jalan2 jadi tour guide kami.

menara taming sari seriusly is recomended~
the view at night is freaking beautiful. rasa nak naik lagi dan lagi.
rm 10 per person. wid2 kena bayar rm 5 je.

then, kitorang naik beca pergi eye on malaysia, sepatutnya beca tak amik route ni, tapi sebab kitorang pujuk2, pakcik rahim n mawi (pemandu beca) bawak jugak kitorang pergi :D
zairi pegi naik kereta tunggu kitorang dekat sana.

then kitorang pergi eye on malacca, tapi tak naik poon ride dia (rasa cam tak best sgt), nak naik river cruise dah tutup. so kitorang lukis caricature. then makan satay celup recomended by abg reyzan (pelukis caricature).

abg reyzan -
pegi kedai kuning tu, yang tu aku rasa paling sedap.

sedap, or maybe it's the lapar factor. we endup having second round, tak cukup 15 cucuk, kitorang order lagi 11.

you should definitely try wantan goreng dengan brocolli celup. best~ the 3 sos pon best.

Sunday schedule: dataran pahlawan and river cruise.

lepas lunch rumah busu makan kurma ayam barula we all pergi dataran pahlawan.
nak pegi beli souvenier untuk mak, abah, pakcik sya'ban n cik dila dan mak abah kak azreen.

then pegi river cruise dekat taman rempah, jumpa pak din yang super peramah.
sebab kitorang bising2 + sangat jakun die bawak kitorang pusing2 sampai satu jam, an average boat only take half an hour only.

we told pak din that yesterday kitorang tak dapat naik boat malam sebab dah tutup pukul 11pm.
then pak din kata:

"lain kali cari pakdin, ni pakdin kasi no phone, kalau dengan pakdin mesti pakdin tolong, pakdin tunggu sampai pukul 12, kalau pakdin ade mesti pakdin bawak pusing2 punye"

last stop quayside cafe and seafood restaurant. we have our late lunch at malacca river side.
the food was alright, but the service is so-so, but it has ice ambiance and the pricing is very reasonable.

then it was bye-bye malacca tyme. pusing2 sikit then balik.

sampai kl dekat maghrib. freakin' tired!! but fun~

bye kejap,

Hari melawat kakak ke tempat kerja

i spent the time there sleeping.
yes i do go to the library.. do some blogging.. check email and stuff..
but when i started to sit and read a book, my eyes felt so heavy.
mengantuk sangat sangat!
at first i thought it's because of the book that i'm reading - an old book; Cities of the plain.
so i switch to a different book that are less complicated - As I was passing.
the book was oke. it tells about Malaysia and it's culture.
yet, i'm still very mush sleepy.
the library is a very conducive place to sleep i guess.
i start sleeping around 9.30 am, and awake by the vibrating phone at 11++ .
Along suruh naik balik nak pegi Sri pentas dah.

Then after picking up the offer letter, we rush back nak tumpang kak Zila pergi Mid Valley for lunch.
along jugak nak beli toner printer dan ketas A4.
Along didn't wanna drive to midvalley sebab it's super jam dan process mencari paking space boleh mengambil masa sejam.

Lunch at sushi king. super duper kenyang!
along want to eat the una don. tapi die nak makan sayur2 jugak.
so i ordered the fry set.
the fry set come with a cold salad (goes to along), miso sup, yakult (goes to along jugak coz' i don't like yakult) and chawanmushi (super yummy!! - its and egg pudding with mushroom+fish+crab stick filling)

keluar dari sushi king nampak Zen cafe the stop beli kek. (tak sedar diri perut dah kenyang)
pekerja dia sangat la lambat potong kek tu.. rasa nak marah sebab tersedar kitorang dah lambat.
along habis lunch 2.30 and it was already 2.

berkejar-kejar dalam mid vally to kejap nak belikan kak Zila value meal kat McD dan Big apple donut.

at first, along nak balik naik teksi je.
kitorang beratur la sekejap tunggu teksi.
ramai betul orang~
when we finally got a taxi, we got a very rude taxi driver!

along: UM ye uncle.
rude taxi driver: hm.
along: jangan lalu lebuhraya tau, kita lalu short cut. lalu bangsar~
rude taxi driver: hah?!
along: lebuhraya persekutuan jem ni uncle, takpe.. saya tunjuk jalan.
rude taxi driver pause for a minute making angry face.
rude taxi driver: lalu lebuhraya la! ( knocking his steering)
along: ala, lebuhraya jam. saya nak cepat ni uncle..
rude taxi driver: kalau lu nak cepat naik helikopter la!

wth?! damn kurang ajar punye taxi driver!!

along: takpela uncle. saya nak turun~

dengan beg plastik bnyk2 kitorang turun dari taxi tu.
nak amik cab lain dah nak kene beratur panjang lagi.
along dah marah2. along cakap taxi driver tu saje je nak lalu highway sebab kalau jam lagi lama dalam taxi, meter jalan, and lagi bnyk untung dia dapat.
sepatutnya taxi dekat situ tak boleh deny passenger. sepatutnya dia kene ikut je what the customer ask.
call kak Zila mintak tolong pick up kitorang.
selamat ade lori sampah terbalik (tapi ade sedikit kesian jugak kat pemandu tu) dekat jalan nak keluar rumah kak zila dan kak zila stuck jalan jam.
sempat nak tukar route pi amik kitorang kat midvalley kejap.

sampai office dah pukul 3~ :p

then i go back to library nak sambung buku tadi la konon~
tapi, perut kenyang, sejuk, senyap, bau ubat2......
hani terus tido. =D
sampai pukul 5.30 along amik kejut nak balik.
naik ofis along say bye2 kat officemate along, then balik..

best! puas tido!

bye kejap,

Good Morning

i'm in perpustakaan T.Danaraj fakulti perubatan UM blogging~

this place has a mediciny smell and very cold.
it makes me sleepy.

today i'm going to sri pentas to take my offer letter.
so i have to wake up in 5.30 am and follow mum and sis to work.
first stop mum's office - menara PGRM
then breakfast - menara TM
(nak sms azwa tapi baru pukul 7.45, i don't think she's there yet)
after filling our 'tank' with roti telur and kopi O, we go straight to along's office - UM
say good morning to along's officemate, then baru pergi lib membuat entry untuk blog.

i wanna watch gossip girl 14. tapi, there's no speaker nor headphone~ (T_T) Blair so cute in this episode!
so hani nak pi cari novel sedih untuk dibaca.
eventhough in this library is dominated by medical journals n books, there is still some remote shelf yang letak novel2 and storybooks. thank god~

p/s - pc kat sini agak slow..

bye kejap,

End this massacre of Palestine

The bombardment of Gaza has to stop! I’m terrified by this blatant massacre. ISRAEL MUST NOT GET AWAY WITH THESE CRIMES. The pain, suffering, poverty, fear, torment and trauma, I can’t imagine life there!

Ya Allah, save us all.

Let us do our part. Stop this! Spread the word.

zionism in action:-

teach your cat new trick


if you're bored with the same "lidi" and "tali" cat's tricks
then try this,


bye kejap,


congrats to my sayangness azwa for getting the most wanted TM job, department and location!!!
yeay!! i lyke!!
akak TMku, lepas nie boley selalu pi seoul garden.

congrats to Ucu yang sudah selamat pulang dari menunaikan Haji.
and thanks hajjah for the ole-ole. i lyke!!

hani just finish helping along filling up her inspection form.

tomorrow part2, fill inspection form for model olympus cx31 pulak.

after this i want to do post about the Malacca trip, so..

bye kejap,

Watcha doin?

saya sedang mendownload ie dan ym.
kedua2nya rosak pagi tadi.
widad sedang makan burger.
tangan dia melecur kena minyak panas tyme goreng burger.
tadi ke VADS untuk tengok2 office.
then cakap kat HR "i have to decline your offer".
sekarang tengah tunggu pukul 4 pagi.
nak pegi amik pakcik Sya'ban dari Penang.
Baju belum pack untuk esok.
esok nak pegi Melaka jalan2.
tadi lawat laman Simpsonize Me.
then buat nie:-

hani yang telah di "simpsonized"

ada macam hani tak?

bye kejap,

Worst Best Man Ever

Worst Best Man Ever @ Yahoo! Video

This video is super funny, tapi kesian jugak dekat pengantin perempuan tuh... adeke?!
rosak semuanya~

this video totally beat friends episode where Joey is the worst best man
(he lost the wedding ring)

kepada bakal2 pengantin.. ambillah ini sebagai iktibar~

berikan taklimat kepada pengapit2 anda supaya sentiasa gracefull dan berhati-hati.
jangan adakan pelamin sebelah swimming pool.
upacara merenjis hendaklah dikawal ketat.

bye kejap,

(alamak this video besar sgt la (T_T)


Selamat Tahun 2009

makan chocolate atas katil,
menonton TV bersama keluarga,
tengok pertunjukkan bunga api depan rumah,

Masuk 2009, hani start working in MP (*^_^*)

banyak benda nak kena buat dalam 2009.

but first hani kena kemas bilik.
mak dah marah2.
"kalau kau tak kemas bilik, sabtu ni jangan pegi jalan2, kemas hari ni!"

bye kejap,