Good Morning

i'm in perpustakaan T.Danaraj fakulti perubatan UM blogging~

this place has a mediciny smell and very cold.
it makes me sleepy.

today i'm going to sri pentas to take my offer letter.
so i have to wake up in 5.30 am and follow mum and sis to work.
first stop mum's office - menara PGRM
then breakfast - menara TM
(nak sms azwa tapi baru pukul 7.45, i don't think she's there yet)
after filling our 'tank' with roti telur and kopi O, we go straight to along's office - UM
say good morning to along's officemate, then baru pergi lib membuat entry untuk blog.

i wanna watch gossip girl 14. tapi, there's no speaker nor headphone~ (T_T) Blair so cute in this episode!
so hani nak pi cari novel sedih untuk dibaca.
eventhough in this library is dominated by medical journals n books, there is still some remote shelf yang letak novel2 and storybooks. thank god~

p/s - pc kat sini agak slow..

bye kejap,

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