first day

my dad woke me up at 6 am..
it's been so long since i have to mandi pagi~
super malas nak bangun dari katil.
then, i have to go through mak-along morning rush.
today's rush tak teruk sangat (maybe sebab hari ni semua orang bangun awal)
then, pukul 7.15 right after mum and along went to office, abah ajak pergi dah.
dalam hati hani pelik, why do we have to go that early?
then when i thought everything is going all smoothie ~
the car broke down!
i don't know for what reason, the temperature shooting up to 110'c.
we're in the middle of traffic jam and abah had to pull up the car to the nearest car park.
me and abah panic2 baca doa and thinking where could we find taxi.

when abah checked the coolant system, the water was almost empty, when we opened the lid,
fountain of scorching hot water gushed out!
selamat takde pape. if not my first day at work would have been in hospital.
turn out the pump is not working (according to my dad la)
then about 8.05 am, the psiko-car-who-hates-me starts like nothing's wrong. (elok je pulak!)
selamat abah ajak pergi awal, if not i'm going to be late for my first day.

we arrived in sri pentas at 8.30 am, "ngam-ngam" not too early and not too late (^_^)

there was me, rita, aaron, vicky, ying and ashraf. two more who are choosen for the BE prog. will join us in feb. but for first orientation class, there's other newbies from finance, news, corp comm and content creation.
for ice breaking, kak iza made us tell our most embarassing story to everyone.
a lot of the newbie use the "mistakenly talk or greet the stanger" stories but, there's some funny stuff too.

my most embarassing moment story goes like this:-

it was form two (i think, or izzit form 1?) my Bahasa Melayu teacher was so desperate to find contestant in her story telling contest for minggu bahasa melayu. because i'm so baik hati a.k.a kind hearted ( saja ambil peluang puji diri sendiri ) i agree to enter the contest with two of my friends. i have no preparation whatsoever and definetely no time to memorise and rehearsal.
so i just pick any book in library with funny folk stories in it and took it to actually read in front of school assembly.

there's a speacial assembly made for all of this minggu-bahasa-melayu contest in the afternoon. it was so hot.
then, i get up the stage and read the story of "awang kecik awang besar" (it's actually a good story).
i didn't expect the story to be long. but as i go on, i noticed that yup! the story is SO long.
halfway trough my "story telling" my teacher actually came up to me and murmured to me:

" ani, lama lagi ke? cepat sikit"

and i say

"jap2, ade lagi sikit nie"

because the mic was so near, the whole school could hear it! (T_______T)

the teacher came up twice to do that you know!!!

i know everyone were very anxious to see me stop because it's not only so hot, there's other contest to be held too and the story that i read is just boring to be read out loud.
but i'm just so embarrased!!!!!!!!!

aiseh! super malu!!!
but i do felt sorry for those people who have to actually sit in the hot afternoon listening to my fantastic! story. (T_T)

i've actually won third place (because there's only three of us who entered the contest)

there is a million super duper embarassing stories from my collection, but i wont tell it laa.. malu beb!!!

but i don't have to tell it, whoever knows me will know that i have atleast 3 embarassing stories everyday. and my first day working in media prima have 6 embarassing stories:

-lif who hates me
-makcik hani
-sexual harrasment example
-form filling
-maybank issue
-epf = kwsp
-parking ticket

(the other minor embarassing stories and awkward moment is not counted as there's too many)

but overall it's a very good day! i have a lot of fun and find new agak-caring friends who teman me to kwsp petaling jaya.

p/s- i hate filling up forms!! (bnyk form nak kena isi)

bye kejap,

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