donno la

i got my placement for our first BE prog. pit stop.

CGRM - risk mngt unit under mr. ashvin.

when borak-borak with the GM for CGRM, entah macammana cerita2 then dia offer ticket for AJL.
the seats has good view, but i cannot go because my mum and dad go dating at kampung. so me, along, akim and wid2 stuck at home taking care of each other and they forbid us to go anywhere.

so i gave the tickets to rita coz she wanted to bring her lil' cousin.
and because azwa and adib rejected my offer.

i've been reading CGRM slides and first 10 pages of MP's annual report.
but because it's so "interesting" and "exciting", i ended up you tube-ing hannah montana.

i can't wait for hannah new movie!!! ( perasan diri macam budak2 sekolah rendah yang minat miley cyrus)

adui, i'm nervous for tomorrow. i have no idea whats install for me tomorow expect reading a lot of policies.

hurm, gotta sleep early, esok kerja. hehehe (macam kelakar pulak sebut ayat nie)

bye kejap,

1 comment:

Chika Chika said...

Hani sorry.
haizum takde kredit nak reply sms.
ha ah la petang tu main redah je datang umah orang. HAHA. Akem je ada masa tu. Tak dapat jumpa Ani. Sempat jumpa Mimi ngan lepak kejap umah Marlia.

Ani Ani! Datang nanti majlis kita. Majlis nikah pon, jemputlah datang tau.

Jemputan tu, bagi pihak mak kita jugak. Jemput parents ani n family tau.