End this massacre of Palestine

The bombardment of Gaza has to stop! I’m terrified by this blatant massacre. ISRAEL MUST NOT GET AWAY WITH THESE CRIMES. The pain, suffering, poverty, fear, torment and trauma, I can’t imagine life there!

Ya Allah, save us all.

Let us do our part. Stop this! Spread the word.

zionism in action:-


Unknown said...

you can thanks hamas for cowedly hiding behind women and children for the aforesaid crimes, Israel is just defending its citizens (both Jews and Arabs) from rocket attacks.

bipeds earthdweller said...

sayangku, takde chatbox ke ?

Hani said...

to gary: it's nice to see that you can justify Zionist action like that.

israel's action not only a coward action. they are very selfish and cruel.

if israel has the right to defend themselves
how about Palestine?
doesn't they have the right to defend their home
their family
that are theirs to begin with.

imagine if those terrorist throw the bomb to schools and residents at your country... how many innocent people going to suffer.

it's just based on my humanism that i say all of this. it's just too hard to see the suffering that Palestinians people has to go through.

I hope you to can see the reality of pain that zionist has put on Palestine.

Hani said...

to bipeds earthdweller:

sayangku?! aik?!

hani takde chat box.. tak reti nak letak.