i hate this part right here

i hate medical checkup~
i hate the feeling when someone examine you.
rasa macam doc tu nak judge hani.
somemore hani very ticklish.
so masa doc examine2 hani, i started to gelak, then, kena marah (T_T)

abah drove me there this morning.
we set off at 8 am,
nak test jalan jam macam mana time2 macamni.
nnt boleh budget nak keluar rumah pergi kerja pukul brapa.

sampai je terus pegi klinik bakti inside sri pentas itself.
examine sana sini.
then kena pegi damansara specialist hospital for X-ray pulak.

after that abah ajak pegi test restaurant baiti.
tapi sebab dah sesat and somemore hani dah pening2, so kitorang balik rumah je terus.

adoi, sedih kena marah ngan doc.

bye kejap,

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