i need more cuti la..

dah ahad?!
sekejap nye
nak tido lama sikit~

tapi takpe..
mak kasi makan best hari nie.
so, tido mesti heaven kekenyangan plus, it's raining malam nie.

petang tadi, ucu datang (+alang, sama n syaza)
makan cekodok special dengan bubur kacang, borak borak, baring baring, sampai maghrib.
best nye bermalas-malas.
tak cukupla sehari je

nak lagi..

bye kejap,

There goes my weekend

hani masuk sekolah memandu~
ceramah 5 jam dah finish!katam! tammat!
next week hani nak pegi xm (lagi?!)
thanks my sayangness azwa carikan software ujian jpj~
tak payah nak study beriya~
hani buat mock test je (^_^)

pakcik sarip jadi cikgu memandu hani,
along + akim poon dengan pakcik sarip.
nanti wid-wid.. maybe pakcik sarip jugak.
macam doktor keluarga pulak pakcik sarip nie :p

excited.. excited!!

bye kejap,

farewell lunch at Puteri

It was our risk management presentation day.
boring... but yet, very stressful :p
selamat ade makan2,
lunch @ puteri.
pukul 12.30 pause presentation,
get ready for lunch
kali nie, hani kena carpool dengan kak maz, rita, israf and aaron.
naik kereta boss.. hehe

restaurant puteri is near Rasta baru.
It offers full range of traditional malay food.

pukul 2.30 baru balik..
then resume presentation balik,
dengan calmer and satisfied belly, my debate mood menurun :P
hani tak banyak bercakap, tapi lebih banyak mengiyakan.
malas dah nak layan presentation nie. =D

hoyeahy!! excited betul dah habis RM..

asraf poon mesti happy sangat2 dah habis RM. kan asraf kan? hehehehe (^_^)

bye kejap,

People come and go

Bye-bye to Asraf and Israf.
Good Luck on your future undertakings
even it was just a little while,
it was nice knowing both of you.
i really appreciate the kindness, friendly face and your teaching.
Thanks a lot.
Congrats for taking this decision..
stay happy!

bye kejap,

Selamat Hari Jadi Puan Rusilawati

we had a small celebration.
but meaningful..
selamat hari jadi ibu~
my heart belongs to you

bye kejap,

Today's word is brought to you by the letter H

just another tag.
After reading kak as entry on missing mmu, i click at all my mmu friend's blog.
i definitely miss you guys.
tagging in blog can be some sort of a way of saying "i'm keeping in touch with you" and "i'm thinking of you".
and emi,
i heart and miss you
oyyaayy.. how i miss those EP moment.especially our homemade DIY recording session. singing to Rossa-pudar and Hoobastank, EP next-top model shooting, gossip2, exam week, movie night (kentut busuk kat you guys - laughing at me watching kal ho na ho and stairways to heaven)
housemate2 ku, i heart you guys

so here it goes..

It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

The Letter is H

1. What is your name: Hani

2. A four Letter Word: Hand

3. A boy’s Name: Hameem

4. A girl’s Name: Hoku

5. An occupation: Handyman

6. A color: Hitam

7. Something you’ll wear: Happy face

9. A food: Honey glazed roast chicken

10. Something found in the bathroom: Hair Shampoo

11. A place: Home sweet Home

12. A reason for being late: Heart Attack

13. Something you’d shout: Ha?! Hish! Halamak! Heip! Hooray!! Hoyeah!! Huhuhuhu!! Hahahaha!! Hohohohoho!! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

14. A movie title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , His Girl Friday

15. Something you drink: Hot Chocolate

16. A musical group: High School Musical cast

17. An animal: Horse

18. A street name: jalan Hang Tuah, jalan Hang Jebat, jalan Hang Li Po

19. A type of car: Hyundai

20. The title of a song: Honey - Mariah Carey

tag:Pook, Marlia, Pak Mat, Rozie, Ika, Aaron, Syue, Aizar, Haizum, Astri

bye kejap,

fulfilling Sunday

wake up at almost 11, hani cepat cepat cari hannah montana.
hari sabtu hani hani dah missed satu episode sebab xm.

bangun je mak suruh makan,
mak masak bihun sup.
mak abah ngan wid-wid dah breakfast.
hani amik meja kecik, tong keropok, sos cili jalen
duduk depan tv. tengok tv sambil breakfast (^_^)

tengah hari sikit,
mak masuk bilik
"angah pi tengok abah hidupkan api kat luar tuh"
sambil main buaian, borak2 dengan family kat luar.
mak nak bakar ikan garupa for lunch.

lepas dah siap2, makan lunch ramai2.
mak masak siput sedut!


takde pencuci mulut.
hani teringat cendol dalam peti ais,
bukak peti ais, mak kata " dah habis dah cendol tu"

macam tau-tau je mak nie.
"mak! abah! jom pegi seremban makan cendol leman dawi jom!!"

(semalam tengok majalah3, ade slot cerita kedai cendol dekat seremban, tengok cendol dia sangat teruja.. letak jagung, pulut + kacang merah plus! boleh tambah secara percuma seberapa banyak yang termampu nafsu perut)
abah cepat2 suruh telefon leman dawi tanya bukak kedai ke tak hari ni?
bila hani phone, i cannot get thru. rasanya hari ni phone dia overload sebab bnyk sangat incoming call dari orang2 yang macam hani-teruja lepas tengok cerita dia dalam majalah3.
kecewa satu keluarga.

tengah mengenang nasib diri yang tak dapat makan cendol kat dalam bilik, tiba-tiba along ketuk pintu.

"ani cepat mandi, kita pegi alamanda."
yeay! hepi balik.

sampai alamanda dalam 10 minit berjalan-jalan, nampak kedai roti boy.
take a break sekejap makan rotiboy + cheesecake
sambil makan sambil cakap "eh, kita nie tak kenyang ke? baru je lunch tadi."

pusing2 alamanda dalam 30 minit, makan lagi, kali nie mak nak waffle, abah nak rojak.
then turun bawah, pergi tempat bowling.
hari ni ada tournament. so kena waiting list yang super panjang.
lepas tulis nama,
pergi cari surau.. kasi mak semayang kejap.

pusing2 alamanda, rasa bosan. jumpa baskin robbins. stop. (*^_^*)

(mak focus makan ais krim)

lepas tu ingat nak pegi main bowling, tapi mak dah nak pening2.
bila mak perut kenyang, mak rasa mengantuk
bila mak mengantuk, mak kena tido
Kalau tak dapat tido, nnt mak pening..
bila mak pening, mak cepat nak demam2

so balik, bye-bye bowling....
tapi takpe.

gendang gendut,
tali kecapi,
kenyang perut,
suka hati!

bye kejap,


Pagi-pagi mak abah dah kejut.
Hari sabtu, tapi hani bangun dengan malasnya macam nak pergi kerja.

why so early?
oh~ coz PTD.

hani takde poon nak study untuk PTD xm ni.

serupa macam takda masa nak study dan tak tau apa yang nak di'study'kan.

cuma tanya2 orang ramai dan membuat survey-survey biasa.

"susah tak solan die?"

"sape lagi yang pernah amik?"
"dia tanye pasal ape je?"
"nak kena study ke?"

hani tak tau poon kat mana xm dia,
kertas2 A B C D E tu ape?

ade berapa bahagian ke..

terus pergi je, abah hantar. hee =D

Lepas makan pagi baru hani terhegeh-hegeh baca balik slip peperiksaan, cari pen, pensel 2B etc.
amik pensel box wid2, bawak bekal nasi impit, dengan 2 botol air mineral.
5 minit je dah sampai ke SM sains selangor.

sampai sana cari2 tempat xm.

tiba-tiba rasa macam nak pergi amik SPM.

kertas A - tanya2 pasal sejarah, perlembagaan dan fakta2 semasa.

kalau soalan2 ekonomi hani boleh jawab dgn best nye.. tapi bila dia tanya pasal pertubuhan NAM, suruhanjaya Cobbolt, i'm totally lost!

kertas D - esei bahasa malaysia.
pergh!! paling susah.
hani jawab esei pasal penerokaan tanah tinggi dan lereng bukit.
Ya Allah, rasa sangat awkward membuat karangan dalam bahasa melayu.

all the time hani asyik dok fikir "however dalam bahasa melayu ape?"

adeke? buruk perangai.

karangan hani sangat dasyat apabila dibaca balik.

macam nak pergi pertandingan debat peringkat daerah.
ayat2 power seperti "unjuran-unjuran negatif", "fenomena in memberi impak positif didalam usaha..." telah diguna pakai secara berleluasa.

time hani menulis, dalam hati hani akan ikut cakap dalam bahasa baku ayat2 tu. tiba-tiba rasa macam zaman 90-an.

kertas E - english essay.

hehehe, yang nie hani takde masalah sangat. jawab seperti biasa.
jawab soalan no. 2 jugak - issues on security cameras.

then rehat.

time rehat hani jalan2 dekat bahagian belakang sekolah tu. ade satu kolam, ada bnyk pokok, redup je..

hani call azwa.bukak bekal. sambil makan, sambil cakap. ahahaha.. buruk perangai lagi :p

dalam kolam tu ada 4 ekor tortoise.

mama tortoise, papa tortiose dengan 2 baby tortoise. so cute.

terus tak endahkan ikan2 yang lain, pandang tortoise2 tu je.

sambil duduk2 hani terasa macam dekat sekolah balik, dejavu lagi..
nervous sekejap.

kertas B - soalan matematik + IQ test.

lepas makan, hani rasa macam mengantuk mengantuk, mata berat je..
masuk balik dalam kelas rasa macam nak tido.
little did i know.

10 minit jawab soalan2 tu terus hani rasa sungguh awake~
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
adeke tak boleh guna calculator?
alamak! sedih sangat. hani dah terlalu begantung pada calculator. pening2 hani pikir balik 8x4 berapa.
dah la math is my least favorite subject.

tergeliat urat2 otak recall balik nombor2 tu.

otak dipaksa menjawab soalan dengan cepat.

selamat takde short circuit.

40 question in 30 minutes.

terkejut, serius terkejut.

otak yang dah berkarat ni, terkejut.

kertas last - pemahaman.

setelah berasa sangat awake, soalan2 telah dijawab dengan begitu laju, 2 esei BM + 2 esei english dibaca dengan cepat, tangkas dan bergaya (eh?)

tak sabar nak habis kan xm.

dah fikir katil kat rumah time nie.

balik, along ajak pegi jalan TAR, tapi hani yang terkejut dan mengalami dejavu yang banyak monolak cadangan itu. Ini adalah kerana hani berpendapat bahawasanya tidur itu lebih baik. Selain dapat mengembalikan balik tenaga2 yang telah hilang, ia juga boleh membawa kepada perasaan beristirehat dan tenang agar hari-hari bekerja yang mendatang akan lebih bermakna.


berkhidmat untuk negara.

majulah sukan untuk negara.

Malaysiaku Gemilang.
(mode esei bahasa Malaysia tidak di'off'kan lagi)

bye kejap,

move over monday blues, here comes teusday blues

sometimes i'm super busy, sometimes i'm not.
sometimes i get excited that i have a lot of assignment, sometimes i don't.

in the meantime, i'll just enjoy everything there is kat MP nie.

thanks vicky for the CD.
kawan love you la darl.

bye kejap,

siapa yang makan chili's dia yang terasa kenyangnye

Happy belated birthday kak vaany!
to celebrate, we deccided to go to chili's.

mak aih, super kenyang!
dah la breakfast hani sangat besar hari nie.
hani makan sangat lambat, agak mengah nak habiskan semua.

ashraf perli me,
kata "nie kalau boifren nak propose, kena propose sebelom makan, kalau tak penat tunggu."

then dorang2 sambut
"nak tunggu dessert memang tak sampai"
"nnt kena alert awal2 boifren dia pasal nie"
"takde letak2 dalam aiskrim ke, kek ke"

aiyah! normally not like this one,
just today je lor~
i eat in a normal pace i tell you.

bye kejap,

weekend in Mallacca again

pergi mana?
kenduri apa?
kenduri doa selamat + arwah.

thanks kat atok teh pernu, kasi doa selamat kat hani sebab dapat kerja.
thanks kat kak zah n abg yus bawak kitorang jalan2 malam2 + supper, then balik pukul 3 pagi.
dah lama mengidam keluar malam nie =D

rindu melaka balik.
great weekend.
i lyke~

bye kejap,

jon bonggol

hurm i forgot which saturday la, i thinks it's last saturday punya saturday.
kak farah got engage on 8th feb, therefore this story is 7th feb's story.
(sebenarnye takyah cerita ni pon takpe)

kak farah's house is in semenyih and we have no idea how to get there.
so along ask jon to "tunjukkan jalan".
along being her crazy-driver-self single handedly scare jon to ever take a car ride with her ever again.

along got super excited coz she gets to drive in a free road. she drive crazily laju sangat.
berapa kali kitorang terhantuk sebab along langgar road bumper.
after that, every time jon sees a road bumper, he'll scream-
lol dalam kereta kejap.

on our way back, we stop at kajang. Makan satay kajang samuri kejap.
plus, to let jon take a break from along's driving.

when we arrived in KL, along ajak pergi shooping kejap,
he refused. :P i think i know why.

finish shooping, rush back home to meet up with marlia and mimi. Shooping for haizum's wedding present.
then, sleepover with marlia again. finish wrapping all the gift at 3 am.
then lagi, hit the sleep button.
pergh, damn hectic day.

bye kejap,

Congrats kak farah

Congrats kak farah
Congrats kak farah

Congrats kak farah


happy i-got-myself-a-fiancee day!!

bye kejap,

what day is today? eh eh yesterday?

some say it's a fly-day.
some say it's hari kekasih.
some say it's cuti-day.

i say.. it's black friday.
we got stuck on the ultimate traffic jam.
me and vicky late for work for the first time.

when the radio dj say all lovey dovey stuff, talk about valentine and stuff i say;
"what hari kekasih hari kekasih nie? hari kekasih my ass"

hehehe, i'm just a tad too tension i guess :p

but me and vicky did share a sweet moment today.
she's just to sweet.
luv her.

Today she saw me screaming2.
then later, when we're going back. She chase after MPB shuttle van (to rooftop parking lot) with her laptop bag. screaming "tunggu, oi, stop that van!" for me.
just because she didn't want me to feel tired from all the walking.
so sweet.
but really funny, luckily i didn't record it, kalau tak mesti kene post kat sini :P
i laugh like crazy.
happy valentine vicky, i sayang you la funny gal.

today also, One fm official launching
congrats MPB.
all RM unit's BE will be there to "report back" about the event.
have some photo opt. :P

okeh, finish.
tomorrow i'm going back to malacca.
kenduri lagi.

bye kejap,


i was getting ready to meet rita and gave her my ticket.
i'm wearing plain t-shirt and jeans, and mismatch tudung.
i didn't bother to look in the mirror.
i'm in a hurry.
i think i'm already late.

even rita haven't call yet, i still wanna go now so i can arrive in masjid jamek on time.
Ya will drive me there.
she had a bad morning. she's just tired i guess.

we get into the car, Ya starts the engine. I kept quite.

it was only 500meter more before LRT pandan jaya.
i was looking at my hand playing with my handphone and purse.
i did not have the time to put it inside a handbag.

i slap my thigh, having a revelation.

"Ya! angah tak bawak tiket!"
"ish macam mana nie?"
"~takpela, angah mintak tolong akim hantar la lepas nie"
"~sorry Ya..."

as i was talking, i did not look at her face.
i was too scared to look.
i can feel her aura.
bad~~ aura.
she hiss once and suddenly change into crazy driver mode.
u-turn on the next junction.

mum call.
i picked it up.
sounding so sympathetically to mum.
saying that i feel so guilty and it was an honest mistake.

but still, Ya looked angry.

when we arrived home i did a 100m dash into house and took the ticket.
wake akim up and begging him to send me to lrt pandan jaya.

when i arrived at masjid jamek, rita poon baru sampai.

hani, why the rush?
susah betul jadi orang kelam kabut nie

bye kejap,

it's 12am, and i'm still infront of my pc

Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm
Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance
Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance

I know you'll ask me to hold on
And carry on like nothing's wrong
But there is no more time for lies
'Cause I see sunset in your eyes
This time, I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing, I'll know it by the feeling

The moment when we're meeting, will play out like a scene
Straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holding my breath, right up 'til the end
Until that moment when, I find the one that I'll spend forever with

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head, I don't know what to think He knealt to the ground and pulled out a ring

It's been so long That I haven't seen your face I'm tryna be strong But the strength I have is washing away

craving nak makan sengkuang yang macam jual dekat sekolah rendah doolu doolu

bye kejap,

Wedding of the year

Congratulation!! Tahniah!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

Nurul Haizum dan Ahmad Hizwani, Selamat Pengantin Baru.

Hani doakan kesejahteraan selalu dan selamat berbahagia selalu.

haizum, do you like our present? nice huh?

super busy on the weekend, sleepover with marlia 2 hari, jalan2 with mimi and marlia
rindu la you guys.
nak hangout lagi~~

bye kejap,

i lurve meeting

i've been to two meeting.
so far, i lyke~
i get to see the top people in action.
got refreshment somemore,
(always think about food?!)

people in CGRM always "nasihat" before i go to meeting.
"hani, jangan buat lawak tau"
then i answer..
"no la, hani duduk diam punye. just nod. senyum~ senyum~"

ahaha, semua orang risau hani goofy-talking funny korean-asyik gelak-super excited pegi meeting.

sometimes, sometimes jela, i can be serious, focus, look like professional la~
don worry.
depan you guys je

bye kejap,

i just want to be with myself?!

mood go crazy
bad mood sesuka hati.
miss azwa terribly.
nak mengadu.
transition is hard.
but i'm happy.


why macam emo pulak?

bye kejap,


tok! tok! tok!

"ani, dah 6~"

next 5 min.




next 5 min.



"hish, lagi teruk dari widad pulak dia nie. malas nak bangun!"

"bla bla bla....." ( ibu kasi lecture pagi dengan kuat. )

"aa.. aa.."

kepala terasa sangat berat.

kenapa kali nie macam sekejap sangat tido?

kenapa alarm tak berbunyi lagi?


tunggu alarm bunyi baru bangun.

selagi alarm tak bunyi, maknanya belom tyme utk bangun.

*pang pung pang~

kenapa mak dah bising2 kat dapur nie?


dengan susah payah.
cari hp tepi bantal.
dengan susah payah jugak.
bukak mata.
sekali tengok nampak nombor 5.

dua kali tengok,
no 510


bangun dengan betul betul susah payah,
sandar badan pada tepi pintu, tgk jam di dapur.


"mak nieh?!!"

"hah! pegi mandi!"

"mak?!, sekarang pukul 5~"

"ha! ye la! habistu ko nak bangun pukul berapa?!"

"pukul 6 la~"


mak pandang atas.
nampak nombor 5.

senyum malu~

"mak nieh?!! along dah bilik air dah!!!!"

"ehehe~ mandi jela terus.. dah alang2"

"ani nak tido! ani nak bangun pukul 6!"

shut door.

bye kejap,


I got to office early this morning.
really early.
even the sun doesn't came out yet.
thanks along hantar angah.
petang nnt jangan lupa redah traffic jemput hani tau~

because pakcik knows that i'm super early today,
he belanja me breakfast at downstairs cafeteria

I got a smirk on my face typing this post's title.
Esok cuti.
come on hani, just 9 more hours.
plus! plus! plus! (super excited tone)
monday pon cuti!


bye kejap,

just dance

keep dancing to the CGRM rhythm in MPB.
so far, good lor~
everyday ade je something.
busy, buat-buat busy, gelak2, knowing new people, being goofy, trying to be "adult
" (but, i'm too childish la~)

bye kejap,

right now right here


then what?


bye kejap,

going veggie for a day?

i'm a meat eater.
i love my meat.
but for one day i decided to eat all vegetarian food.
it's not for healthy reason, it's just for the sake of trying. :p

i start my breakfast with 2 hash brown and milo.
then one tangerine.

for lunch..
coz along, kak zila and wid2 wanted to come and lunch with me,
i decided to treat them lunch at a chinese vegetarian restaurant.
yishensu, a vegetarian connoisseur

it's just opposite TGI friday.
we order a simple lunch.
rice and 3 dish.
the fry crispy goose is not made from real goose. its manufactured from veggie ingredients.
the place is pack at that time.
but still the ambiance and interior is cozy and warm
it's beautifully decorated.
check the website for more picture.

when it's time to go back, i was thinking of what to eat at home.

"alamak, mak mesti masak bukan veggie food.
takkan nak masak lain?"

when i came home, the smell of mum's home made dishes greet me.
my mission is ruined.
saya makan nasi lauk sotong, ikan berserta sayur..
got veggie.. so oke lah~

aduhai, next tyme la i try again.
but it was a good effort what? if not for my mum's dishes, i defitnely can!
tak baik tak makan makanan yang mak dah masak.
(saja nak sedapkan hati)

bye kejap,

so far

so good
this past 2 weeks in CGRM - semua baik baik saja~


lainkali update lagi

eh eh, sudah masuk February?!

bye kejap,


i got frustrated with something.
i've had it for a long time.
now i've reach my boiling point.

i got a frustration
yes people, you're not the only one with frustration

i love my speaker.
it's black.
got base.
and loud.
very loud.
i love enjoying music loudly.
my speaker can provide me with the level of "loud" that i want.
but i can't use it!
not since mmu,
when i had a room all to myself
when battle of the speaker with mimi and kak yat is acceptable

i miss those moment shouting eh, no no ..singing to kelly clarkson and christina aguilera and sometimes even rapping with eminem and nelly
sleeping with loud music all day ignoring all knocks at the door and any vibration from my phone.

sekarang! humph!
the only acceptable speaker is my laptop's speaker. it's so not loud, even i say " aiskrim aiskrim tunggu!" is louder. other choice? headphone~ which for me.. "takde feel".

the only time i can use my sweet sayang super hot black speaker is Raya.. takbir raya and lagu raya sahaja.

when i'm in mmu,

KY - "ish dorang nie, marah2 pulak kite pasang lagu kuat-kuat. kalau nak senyap, pegi duduk hutan la~"

Me - "betul tu kak yat!"


"kalau nak pasang lagu kuat kuat, pegi duduk dalam hutan tu ha. pasang la kuat mana poon. jerit la sorang2."

frust betul!

bye kejap,

sikitnye cuti

Hani sambut Chinese New Year Holiday at Kampung Halaman Indah Tercinta~
Sabtu subuh-subuh mak dah kejut bangun nak balik kampung.
akim cannot make it coz he got class.
along pulak, balik sama-sama dengan zairi n kak long.
zairi n kak long nak cuti-cuti malaysia in rungkup, bagan datoh.
so abah bukak homestay programme sekejap untuk 4 hari :p
Masa cuti balik kampung - mesti ade senarai family holiday must haves;
belajar memandu dengan abah.
rempit2 naik motor pusing2 padang.
main carom, jutaria, snap and happy family. best main jutaria dapat bankruptkan orang.
bila jadi papa kedana sedih.
mak duduk dapur masak2 - bubur jagung ngan kek kukus buah .. lip-smacking!
"astro"ing sampai lebam.

on sunday morning we start our homestay activity with pasar pagi at bagan datoh..
later - jalan2 at teluk intan.
donno why hani asyik mengantuk je.. masuk dalam kereta je, tido~
tyme jalan2 muka sembam effect baru bangun tido.
first time naik menara condong teluk intan.
selama 22 tahun hidup, balik kampung tiap tiap tahun, pegi teluk intan makan rojak, takde poon terbuka hati nak naik menara condong. tengok dari jauh je. :p
menara condong tu memang condong.. masuk dalam terasa diri condong
then pegi makan kat the infamous mastan ghani. an old restaurant selling mee rebus and rojak.
then jalan2 and makan2 lagi.... da da da bla bla bla

Next must have activity = Barbequing!

along, kak long, zairi and wid2 pegi teluk batik n pangkor berkelah. but, i decided to skip that.
i want to sleep. eat. astro. rempit and sleep somemore~
bila dorang balik, hani tgk gambar2 kat sana nampak sangat cantik~ tiba2 rasa rugi tak ikut. kejap je cuti raya cina.. next cuti entah bila... sigh~

bye kejap,

donno la

i got my placement for our first BE prog. pit stop.

CGRM - risk mngt unit under mr. ashvin.

when borak-borak with the GM for CGRM, entah macammana cerita2 then dia offer ticket for AJL.
the seats has good view, but i cannot go because my mum and dad go dating at kampung. so me, along, akim and wid2 stuck at home taking care of each other and they forbid us to go anywhere.

so i gave the tickets to rita coz she wanted to bring her lil' cousin.
and because azwa and adib rejected my offer.

i've been reading CGRM slides and first 10 pages of MP's annual report.
but because it's so "interesting" and "exciting", i ended up you tube-ing hannah montana.

i can't wait for hannah new movie!!! ( perasan diri macam budak2 sekolah rendah yang minat miley cyrus)

adui, i'm nervous for tomorrow. i have no idea whats install for me tomorow expect reading a lot of policies.

hurm, gotta sleep early, esok kerja. hehehe (macam kelakar pulak sebut ayat nie)

bye kejap,

first day

my dad woke me up at 6 am..
it's been so long since i have to mandi pagi~
super malas nak bangun dari katil.
then, i have to go through mak-along morning rush.
today's rush tak teruk sangat (maybe sebab hari ni semua orang bangun awal)
then, pukul 7.15 right after mum and along went to office, abah ajak pergi dah.
dalam hati hani pelik, why do we have to go that early?
then when i thought everything is going all smoothie ~
the car broke down!
i don't know for what reason, the temperature shooting up to 110'c.
we're in the middle of traffic jam and abah had to pull up the car to the nearest car park.
me and abah panic2 baca doa and thinking where could we find taxi.

when abah checked the coolant system, the water was almost empty, when we opened the lid,
fountain of scorching hot water gushed out!
selamat takde pape. if not my first day at work would have been in hospital.
turn out the pump is not working (according to my dad la)
then about 8.05 am, the psiko-car-who-hates-me starts like nothing's wrong. (elok je pulak!)
selamat abah ajak pergi awal, if not i'm going to be late for my first day.

we arrived in sri pentas at 8.30 am, "ngam-ngam" not too early and not too late (^_^)

there was me, rita, aaron, vicky, ying and ashraf. two more who are choosen for the BE prog. will join us in feb. but for first orientation class, there's other newbies from finance, news, corp comm and content creation.
for ice breaking, kak iza made us tell our most embarassing story to everyone.
a lot of the newbie use the "mistakenly talk or greet the stanger" stories but, there's some funny stuff too.

my most embarassing moment story goes like this:-

it was form two (i think, or izzit form 1?) my Bahasa Melayu teacher was so desperate to find contestant in her story telling contest for minggu bahasa melayu. because i'm so baik hati a.k.a kind hearted ( saja ambil peluang puji diri sendiri ) i agree to enter the contest with two of my friends. i have no preparation whatsoever and definetely no time to memorise and rehearsal.
so i just pick any book in library with funny folk stories in it and took it to actually read in front of school assembly.

there's a speacial assembly made for all of this minggu-bahasa-melayu contest in the afternoon. it was so hot.
then, i get up the stage and read the story of "awang kecik awang besar" (it's actually a good story).
i didn't expect the story to be long. but as i go on, i noticed that yup! the story is SO long.
halfway trough my "story telling" my teacher actually came up to me and murmured to me:

" ani, lama lagi ke? cepat sikit"

and i say

"jap2, ade lagi sikit nie"

because the mic was so near, the whole school could hear it! (T_______T)

the teacher came up twice to do that you know!!!

i know everyone were very anxious to see me stop because it's not only so hot, there's other contest to be held too and the story that i read is just boring to be read out loud.
but i'm just so embarrased!!!!!!!!!

aiseh! super malu!!!
but i do felt sorry for those people who have to actually sit in the hot afternoon listening to my fantastic! story. (T_T)

i've actually won third place (because there's only three of us who entered the contest)

there is a million super duper embarassing stories from my collection, but i wont tell it laa.. malu beb!!!

but i don't have to tell it, whoever knows me will know that i have atleast 3 embarassing stories everyday. and my first day working in media prima have 6 embarassing stories:

-lif who hates me
-makcik hani
-sexual harrasment example
-form filling
-maybank issue
-epf = kwsp
-parking ticket

(the other minor embarassing stories and awkward moment is not counted as there's too many)

but overall it's a very good day! i have a lot of fun and find new agak-caring friends who teman me to kwsp petaling jaya.

p/s- i hate filling up forms!! (bnyk form nak kena isi)

bye kejap,